That phrase always sounds like an oxymoron. Really, how can less be more? In the case of getting your strength back, it is most defiantly the truth!
Back under the squat bar...a good place to be I might add...something was off today. I was not really liking this feeling because I had set the goal weight to be lifted at 105lbs for 3 sets of 5 after all the warm ups...I barely made it with 85lbs on the first go with it. Something felt off. My coworker said I looked as though I was missing my depth by an inch or so and that I looked like I was tipping forward at the bottom. Yikes! The funny thing is, I knew I was off! I just did not know what I needed to correct. So, I took what energy I had, as funky as it was, and cranked out a decent squat workout none the less.
The workout:
Bar 15 reps x1
65lbs 12 reps x1
75lbs 10 reps x1
85lbs 8 reps x3
Single Arm Kettle Bell Swings 20 reps each arm
Bottoms-up Squats with one bell 20 reps
Used the 16KG bell for this super set. It killed me by the end, but I was able to practice going to my depth and work on my breathing. Today I did less exercies and I only worked for about 45 minutes. Let's hope next week's squat workout is a bit better, energy wise, than today...though less work today was indeed productive.
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