Wednesday, April 8, 2009

workout log, April 8th 2009 or PR by ART

...or maybe it was just the adrenaline of getting under the weight!

Today was a squat workout. And yes, I hit a PR, or personal record. My goal has been to squat my body weight again. I have had some near hits but they all still fell short of where I wanted to be. Not today!

Let's travel back in time to yesterday. Yesterday, I went in to see my ART guy to get some work done on my QL. For clarification; ART is active release technique. It is soft tissue work done on an area of the body where there is a lot of scar tissue build up or extreme muscle tightness, inhibiting mobility. The QL or quadriatous lumbarous, is a group of muscles in the lower back are that I tend to lock up in on the right side only. This causes me to move inefficiently at my hips. As it goes in the body, everything is connected and chain reacts with eachother. So if one are of the body is showing signs of inefficiency, the rest of the body has a way of making up for it....and not always in a good way!

This being said, my squat workout would have been adversly affected if I did not go in and have my QL worked on like I did. I NEED my hips to move correctly for squat work

Back to today. My workout went as follows:
texas bar (55lbs)x15
4 singles....the first one felt great. The second one I had a spot watch form. Not low enough. The last two I felt like I hit my depth! It was a little slow coming up! I did it. Go me.

Accessary work was simple:
Circuit: 5x
Dumb Bell bench with 22.5lb dbx15
Walking lunges BWx200 meters (down our hall and back)

Finished with Tricep pressdowns with the rope 35lbsx20x5
Foam rolled it all out and I am eating breakfast telling you all about it! The moral of the story being, get your body taken care of

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